Can You Recycle Balloons In Australia?

Author: Rachel  Date Posted:31 July 2023 

Are balloons recyclable? We all know the attachment a small child can place on something as simple as a helium balloon, and often we're reluctant to take any joy away from a little one. So is there a solution to balloon waste when you can't say no?


Young girl holding a group of helium balloons

It’s okay. We’ve all been there. The pressure of a 7-year-old willing sacrifice a year’s worth of tv and lollies just have a unicorn birthday with helium-filled foil unicorn balloons, with the only alternative being death.

We all know the damage balloons can cause, but nonetheless, there are times when the meltdown isn’t worth the battle.

Or perhaps you have no say because you are sharing party planning duties?

Never fear! Now, there’s a solution!

TerraCycle have teamed up with Amscan to provide a Latex & Foil Balloon Recycling Program!


So, when you absolutely, positively have to use balloons, or you’re rescuing them from someone else’s party (I see you!), you can now recycle them to keep them out of landfill.

What a relief!




Just head over to the Terracycle Aus website to find participating retailers to drop-off your deflated Latex & Foil Balloons!

Once collected, the balloons are cleaned and separated by material type. The materials are recycled into raw formats that manufacturers use to make new products.

You can recycle any brand of foil and latex balloons, including those treated with Hi- Float & Hi-Shine.

Just avoid prefilled confetti balloons, ribbon and balloon weights, closure clips, sticks and stick cups and packaging.

Spread the word…

But remember, reducing is always better than recycling, so also consider these great alternatives to balloons, especially helium balloons. There are other ways we can celebrate special events without harming wildlife.




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